Anointing with oil is representative of God’s favor and power to carry out significant responsibility. Before Christ came and died for us, specific, very special people were chosen to be anointed by God. One of those people was King David.
We can learn so much from the time that God sent Samuel to find the king that would be Saul’s successor. God sent Samuel to visit Jesse and his sons, for one of his sons would be the anointed king. What a beautiful example of obedience to God we have in Samuel.
Lesson #1: Anointing is initiated by God. God sent Samuel to find the new king.
Samuel looked over each of Jesse’s sons, including Eliab who looked like the typical figure that would become a king, but God said none of them were to be king.
Lesson #2: Favor from God is not just for those with the right looks, talents or gifts. God looks, not at our outward appearance, but at our heart.
Since God told Samuel that none of these men were going to be king, Samuel asks Jesse if he had any more sons. He says that there was only the youngest (David), but he was in the fields, tending to the sheep.
Lesson #3: Anointing can be found in the fields. Translation: it doesn’t matter whether you work in a cubicle, if you are a fire fighter, in the military, are a stay at home mom, are a starving college student, or if you feel stuck, not knowing what you want to do with your life. God sees us! God knows our hearts and he sees us, no matter if we have the proper age, experience, or occupation that society deems favorable. God sees each and every one of us and loves us beyond measure whether we are a CEO or changing our babies’ dirty diapers.
Lesson #4: We must go back to the fields, even after being anointed. Translation: David could’ve been haughty and entitled after he was anointed by Samuel, but instead he was marked with great humility. We must do that same. As long as we have accepted Christ, we are anointed in God’s kingdom. But we must go forth, back into whatever we do every day and spread His light. We must be faithful and let God work on us right now, for whatever He has in store for us later.
God sees you wherever you are. You are significant to Him and His kingdom. He will use you and He has great plans and promise for your life because you are anointed. Christ is in you. Be His light.
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